Thursday, March 19, 2009

A New Blogger is Born

I am by no means an expert in economics; nor do I pretend to be one in this blog (or anywhere else for that matter). I am however, as we all are, an expert at being myself; I, like everyone else, formulate my own thoughts and opinions, and I, like any other rational human being, try to find the proper evidence to support those arguments. As I try to mold my abstract inner monologue into concrete, succinct passages for the world wide web to see, I will officially become a blogger.

For the purposes of this blog, I must say that I am very much a Liberal. If you know me this is fairly obvious, and if you don't know me this will become obvious as you start reading this particular blog. I can't say that this blog is anything but "liberal propaganda" (as conservatives so humorously put it), but mind you I do at least try to be logical. This blog like any other is highly opinionated, and hopefully well supported. So conservatives beware, liberals get your lattes ready, and everyone else take note. This is Econ 101, Perez style.

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