Friday, March 20, 2009

Journalist in me has something to say

I guess I, like a lot people, had an almost childish notion that the people in charge of things, whether it be a CEO, a bank manager, or a high government official, are there for a reason. They'd have to be smart, logical individuals to be in such a position of power in the first place. They know what's best for us all.
Then I became a journalism major at UGA. Here's what I've learned so far:

1. The media serves a very important role in any democracy. The media serves as a watchdog for the public and holds those individuals in positions of power accountable to the public he/she serves.

2. A variety of different voices must be heard for a democracy to work and for journalism to truly thrive.

3. You cannot simply trust those people in positions of power, whether you voted for him or not. It is a citizen's right and duty to actively seek information on the issues and the state of the country and world.

So, go out and do some research of your own if you don't agree with what I write here; and even if you do, go out and do it anyways.

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